Muppet Rainbow

A dedication to Jim Henson and the Muppets

Onto the stuff!

What It's All About What's the underlying idea behind all this muppet stuff everyone keeps talking about. Plus a list of Henson created movies, and shows
How Jim Henson touched my life My story
Muppet Art Art that yes, I did in honor of the Muppets
Muppet Shopping Where can you buy Muppet stuff? Find out here
Links More Muppet and Jim Henson sites
Behind the Scenes Discover all the people that make the Muppets possible.
The Muppets Themselves facts on your favorite Muppets

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Disclaimer: This site is in no way affilated with the Jim Henson Company or Coorporation. It's just a fan site. All pictures, information, etc, copyright Jim Henson and his affiliates